26 June 2013


Holiday Cat Safety Tips

Since “Catmas” (the feline Christmas) is less than a week away, the excitement of our two Oriental Shorthair cats, Dr.
Hush Puppy and Sir Hubble Pinkerton, is growing noticeably by leaps and bounds. While they are looking forward to a joy-filled day, they are keenly aware that this special holiday is also one of the most dangerous times of the year for kitties. Because they are deeply concerned that all cats are kept safe and secure they are offering some holiday safety tips for kitty guardians.'

1. A “Catmas” tree all decked out with its shiny ornaments can be extremely tempting for any curious kitty to climb, so to prevent it from tipping over; be sure it is securely anchored.

2. Tinsel is one of the most dangerous decorations since its very tempting with which to play. Tinsel potentially can cause gastrointestinal blockage and damage if ingested. For safety, keep it off your tree.

3. Thin curly ribbons and bows on packages under the tree are kitty magnets but they also are extremely dangerous. Instead, decorate packages with wide ribbon. Since most cats abhor aluminum foil, using it as wrapping paper is both attractive and safe. Newspaper and plain brown wrapping paper make excellent substitutes and are also recyclable and environmentally friendly.

4. Prevent kitties from chewing on the needles of real or artificial trees. Real trees contain pine oil which can cause gastric upset, difficulty breathing and lack of coordination. All needles are sharp and can puncture a cat’s eye or intestine if swallowed. Spray the branches with a mixture of cayenne pepper and water to deter kitty from eating them.

5. While Poinsettia plants are not lethal, they can cause upset tummies. Stash them safely away. Mistletoe and holly berries are extremely toxic to kitties and can even cause death if ingested. Lilies are also lethal to cats. Keep them out of your home.

6. Sharing tidbits of turkey and roast beef is purrfectly fine, but too much of a good thing can cause digestive upsets. Never feed cooked bones to kitties. They splinter easily and can get stuck in a cat’s throat, and puncture the intestine and stomach.

7. Chocolate, especially the darker variety is highly toxic to cats since it contains caffeine and theobromine. If you suspect your kitty has ingested chocolate and seems lethargic or vomiting, contact your veterinarian or local E.R. immediately for advice.

8. Onions are potentially lethal to cats. Do not serve kitties any food containing onions.

9. To prevent kitty from escaping out the door when visitors are arriving, put them safely in a quiet room with a litter box, some munchies, and a few toys. Turn on the radio to a classical station since many kitties enjoy Mozart or Bach.

Check out more ideas about how to cat-proof your holidays, to ensure kitty holiday safety. Dr. Hush Puppy and Sir Hubble Pinkerton hope these hints have been helpful and they wish all your kitties the meowiest “Catmas” this year.


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