10 July 2013


10 household items poisonous to pets

1.Human medications including painkillers, cold medicine, dietary supplements and antidepressants.
2.Insecticides, especially misuse of flea and tick products (such as applying a product to a cat when it was meant for a dog)
3.People food such as chocolate, avocado, raisins and grapes and products containing the sweetener xylitol (often found in gum)
4.Plants including lilies (very toxic to cats), azalea, rhododendron and sago palm
5.Veterinary medications that are improperly dispensed or misapplied. Antibiotics, de-wormers, anti-inflammatory drugs and others can cause problems if misused.
6.Rodenticides that use bait to attract rats and mice can be attractive to pets too, and can cause seizures, bleeding or kidney damage.
7.Household cleaners such as detergents, bleaches and disinfectants can cause problems if inhaled by pets.
8.Heavy metals, especially lead, which is in paint chips, linoleum and consumer products.
9.Garden products, especially certain types of fertilizer
10.Chemical hazards found in products such as antifreeze, paint thinner, drain cleaners and pool chemicals


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