28 August 2013


Keeping Fido Fit, not Fat

Getting Fit and Trim
Experts agree that diet and exercise will help keep your four-legged pal fit and trim. But what exactly does that mean? In a nutshell, experts recommend:
Regulating the amount of food you give your dog (including treats)
Exercising your dog regularly.
The diet part of the equation involves portion control, Dr. Ward says. “Pet obesity is plainly a people problem, not a pet problem,” he says. “The most important decision pet owners make each day regarding their pet’s health is how they choose to feed it.”
Commercial dog foods provide feeding recommendations for various-sized dogs right on the bag, so if you haven’t read those, make it a point to do so and follow them, advises Dr. Morris. If you have questions about the proper amount to feed, don’t hesitate to talk to your veterinarian, she adds.
You should also cut back on the calorie-rich treats, Dr. Ward says. “Treats are the silent saboteur of slimming down.” remarks Ward. “Those tiny treats are often hiding a significant amount of calories.” Dr. Ward suggests offering single-ingredient rewards or fresh vegetables such as baby carrots, string beans, broccoli or other crunchy vegetables.

The exercise part of the equation involves getting out and moving with your pet. Whether you toss the ball or Frisbee for him, walk him to the dog park, or have him take a quick run on the treadmill, daily activity is critical to not only keeping your pup fit and trim — but also keeping him behaviorally in check.
“Obesity is a big problem in pets, just as it is with people, and exercising helps them keep the dog’s weight down,” says Dr. Susan Nelson, Kansas State veterinarian and assistant professor of clinical sciences. “Dogs also need an outlet to relieve their energy or else they may develop destructive behavior. Your dog is going to be happier and more content if it receives adequate exercise.”
Be a Responsible Pet Owner
Your dog relies on you for her basic needs, like food and exercise. So it’s your job as a responsible pet owner to provide her what she needs to keep her body functioning at its fullest potential.
Feed him the best quality food you can afford, offer him the right amount, and make sure he gets his body moving daily in fun and different ways.


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