21 August 2013


Skin Itchiness

Manuel Hernandez asks: Hot spots. I have a Newfoundland and the vet and myself have been battling Demodex mites for three months now. We've been through everything on the list: antibiotics, topical spray, skin tests, worm and fungus testing, medicated shampoo, cone, more antibiotics, strong Demodex mites medicine. The vet warned us that the spreading will continue before the dog gets better. Some guys have suggested kerosene or used motor oil to combat the infestation. Any more advice, Doc?
Dr. Cerny: Currently the most common treatments for Demodex are daily Ivermectin (do not use in sensitive breeds, cure rate is around 85 to 90 percent), daily Interceptor (expensive, but safe and has a cure rate approaching 90 percent), and weekly Amitraz dips (toxicity may be seen). A common cause for adult-onset demodecosis is corticosteroid (i.e., Prednisone) use. In some patients it can take months to clear the infection and treatment should be continued at least one month after resolution. Clipping the hair short and bathing can also help in the treatment. Kerosene and motor oil will NOT kill the mites and may harm your dog. Back to Top
Malnourished Dog
Rose Underwood asks: I recently rescued a Pomeranian that was being starved. Can't tell how old he is, I figure maybe three years old. He's in pretty bad shape and I am feeding him every few hours and keeping him warm and hydrated. Any other suggestions? Thanks. Proud Mom of Three Rescues.
Dr. Cerny: Have your veterinarian examine him to address any other health problems in addition to the malnourishment. Frequent feeding with a high-quality dog food in small portions like you are doing is great. 
Dog Hip Dysplasia and Fetch
Wanda Keightley asks: OK, it's a little late but I have a 12-year-old boy who is very young mentally and loves to chase the ball, but has hip dysplasia. He's on treatment and painkillers for his condition. On one hand I want to prolong his life and ease him into an easy old age, on the other I want him to enjoy the years he has left. Is it OK to still throw the ball for him a couple of times occasionally? My head says no, my heart says yes. Dr. Cerny: It has been said that dogs do not see life as short or long, but as a glorious presence. To answer your question I would see how your 12-year-old acts after playing fetch. If his pain and discomfort is managed with the pain medications, then he should be fine to continue. 
Dog Skin Itchiness
Lauren Clare Goodman asks: My dog seems to scratch himself raw under his stomach and his “armpits.” I think he may be allergic to a certain pollen. I have been using Sudocrem and this has cleared up his scabs. I just want him to stop feeling the need to scratch under there so much. Are there any natural remedies that will help him—to maybe soothe his skin so he doesn't feel the need to scratch? Thank you. Dr. Cerny: There are many causes to skin itchiness (pruritis) in dogs and getting an accurate diagnosis helps guide therapy. I would schedule an exam with your veterinarian to help determine the cause of the skin problem and the best treatment(s). As far as natural topical treatment, you need to get a diagnosis of the cause first. You can safely use Vetericyn solution or hydrogel as it will kill bacteria and yeast on the skin surface and is as safe as distilled water. 
Fat Tumors and Ear Infections
Gayle Geddes asks: We have a 9-year-old Lab dog who has lumps on him, he is getting more and more of them and I am quite concerned. He is overweight and I was told they were fat deposits. He has one on his leg that has grown to be about the size of a lime and I am worried about it. Wen we first had it looked at, she had told us that if it is not hurting him he will be OK, but it is getting bigger and he still shows no signs of being in pain. Now being that he is getting more of them, not sure what to do. They had told us if we wanted to have the lump removed, it would cost us around $900.00. Well, that is out of our budget right now, so I was wondering if you had any advice for us on what we should do. If they have to remove more than one it could get quite costly, but it kills me to see them all over his body! He also suffers from ear infections all the time. Is there a product you would recommend us buying for these infections so we don't have to take him to the vet every time? PLEASE help me out! Dr. Cerny: Tumors composed of fat (lipomas) are typically benign and in most cases are more of an eyesore than a health problem. One of the best ear products for frequent ear infections is TrizUltra + Keto by Dermapet. The product is gentle and effective for bacterial and yeast ear infections. 
Secondary Ear Infections
Jenny Shelbourne asks: My dog is a 2-year-old terrier mix and prone to ear infections. I was wondering if there is any way to prevent them instead of waiting to treat the infection once it starts? Dr. Cerny: TrizUltra + Keto by Dermapet and Vetericyn Otic solution work well to keep secondary infections at bay. They are both gentle and can be used daily if needed. Ear infections usually have an underlying cause such as allergies, which allow the bacterial and or yeast infections to take off. 
Limping Rottweiler
Johanna Donovan asks: My 7-month-old Rottweiler has been limping for a while. The vet said it's an inflamed tendon in his right shoulder. No matter what we do, it doesn't seem to get 100% better. Are there homeopathic methods to deal with this injury? He's also growing older and sometimes his back legs/hips seem to have trouble too. What can we do to prevent the typical Rottie hip/joint problems? Massage? Certain vitamins/supplements? Dr. Cerny: After a good examination, if radiographs have not been done then shoulder and hip radiographs should be performed to rule out any skeletal problems.


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