Studies show that owning a dog can improve your health but did you know it can also teach you how to live your life? Look to your dog to be your instructor on how to live a happy, healthy life. Every day your dog is showing you how to live life to the fullest—and they’re doing it in six simple steps.
1. Be Loyal: Dogs are faithful, reliable, loyal, and they love unconditionally.
2. See the People in Your Life with New Eyes: After a long day at the office on the drive home what do you look forward to seeing? Is it that wagging tail and grinning smile? Do you prepare to be kissed and jumped on the minute you walk through the door? Of course you do, and isn’t it a great feeling? Every time your dog sees you it’s like they’re seeing you for the first time in years. They’re always excited to see you. Try greeting the people in your life with the same excitement.
3. Forgive and Forget: Have you ever accidentally stepped on your pup’s tail and heard that awful yelp? Or how about having to discipline them and getting those puppy dog eyes in return? Five minutes later they’re right back to playing and loving you, aren’t they? Dogs don’t hold grudges. It’s not that they can’t hold a grudge they just choose to forgive you instead. So, take a cue from your dog and choose to forgive, forget, and move on.
4. Live Life to the Fullest: Watch as your dog goes through his daily routine. Every scent is new, every person is special and every bit of food is delicious. Not a bad way to live.
5. Take a Hike: What dog doesn’t love being outside? They love going for walks and hikes and we should too. Exercise is good for our minds, bodies, and spirits. Walking with your dog is also a great way for the two of you to bond!
6. Take a Nap: Dogs can sleep anywhere, they just plop down and they are out. While your options aren’t as open as your dog’s it is important to nap like them. Studies show that taking a 15-30 minute nap reenergizes us makes us feel more creative and alert. So if you can, try and set aside 15 minutes a day to curl up with your pup and catch a few zzz’s.
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