15 September 2013


Guppy Fish Care Tips Made Easy

Guppy Fish Care Tips Made Easy

One of the most delicate species of fish in the world is the guppy which also known as Poecilia Libestes Reticulata. Children, adults and old folks love to have this recreation as it is soothing for the eyes and a good stress buster. This popular aquarium fish is easy to look after if you know how to care for them. One of the advantages of an adult guppy fish is that it is not aggressive in nature, and is easy to maintain when compared to the reedfish and the catfish. The guppy belongs to a group called the live bearer, which means that these type of fish give birth to free swimming fry instead of laying eggs. Originating from the South and Central America, the guppy fish can now be found in different parts of the world as well. They also comes in numerous variations like the flagtail guppy, triangle tail guppy, rounded guppy etc. In terms of shape and colour, the most common being green, blue and red.

f you are interested in looking after the little guppy fish, you should be aware of certain care tips. Right type of Aquarium The best type of aquarium for guppy fish is a community one, the reason being that they are peaceful in nature. If you want to mix other species of fish with the guppy, make sure that they are not aggressive. A variation of guppy fish forms a beautiful and colourful school. Accessories A heater is good to keep the water warm during winters. A thermometer is also good to keep the temperature (75 - 80 degree Fahrenheit) stable since the guppy fish is delicate and a filter to provide good quality flow of water. An air stone if needed to supply oxygen and colourful stones for the aquarium to look bright and beautiful. You can also accessorise the aquarium with a small light above, fish do not like to be kept in the dark. Feeding If you notice any type of fish, no matter how many times you dab food into the aquarium it will continue to swim upwards and grab its treat. Feeding a guppy fish should be only two to three times a day. Over feeding can result in death. Fish care tip- Live food (worms ) is ideal for a guppy fish. Water Change Fish tend to dirty the water very fast. Therefore, it is essential to change the water every two weeks. In the case of the guppy fish, changing partial amount of water on a regular basis will help your fish to last long. Fish care tip- If you have adult guppy fish, be careful in changing the water because new water will tend to damage its tail. Breeding The guppy fish gives birth to fry and does not lay eggs. Keep a track on the fry soon after they are born. Unlike the adult mother guppy, the fry needs to be fed four times during the day. The water should also be changed thrice in a week. When they are 2 to 2.5 cm long, you can let them live freely with the adult fish, until then rear them in a separate tank


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