See what it says on the dog food package. Then feed more or less depending on how active, or lazy, your dog is. If your dog sleeps most of the day, he may need 10% less than average. But if he spends his days chasing squirrels outside, he may need up to 40% more to maintain a healthy weight. You can feed your adult dog once or twice a day
Are There Benefits to Raw Meat?
Pet owners often love or hate the idea of feeding their baby raw meat. There's not a lot of research that shows it’s better than food you buy at the store. And it may pose health risks to your dog and your family. Raw meat and eggs carry bacteria, like Salmonella, that can make your dog -- and family -- sick. And raw meat often has bones, which can cause broken teeth and stomach problems
What if My Dog Eats Poop?
It's gross to us, but dogs see this as just another source of food. Although it's a normal behavior, sometimes it can be a sign that your dog is stressed or his diet is missing something. Talk with your vet to make sure you're feeding a high-quality food. It can also help to clean your yard right away of any droppings. Or sprinkle hot sauce on feces to make the taste unpleasant. Use a covered litter box if cat poop is his downfall
ry Food or Wet?
Either gives your dog a complete, healthy diet. Canned food may be tastier, so it's good for picky eaters. Dry makes for more solid poop, meaning easier cleanup for you. And dry food is usually less expensive
s There Any Help for Gas?
If your dog often lets go with some silent-but-deadlies, diet changes may help. Ask your vet for a food that is easy on his tummy. Skip the table scraps. Some things like cheese can make gas worse. Finally, if your dog gulps down his food, try splitting it into several small meals a day. Gulping food can make him gassy -- causing him to toot or burp.
Can I Change My Dog's Food?
It seems boring to us, but dogs get used to eating the same food every day -- and so do their stomachs. Switching foods too fast can cause a problem. To change your dog's diet, blend the new food with the old over about 4 days, gradually giving him more of the new. But don't switch too often. It can turn your dog into a picky eater or cause weight problems.
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